Tanso-Man GX Co., Ltd. Achieves Science Based Targets (SBT) Net Zero Certification

Notice of SBT Certification Achievement

Tanso-Man GX Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Junji Fukumoto; hereinafter referred to as Tanso-Man GX) has received the SBT Net Zero certification from the international organization “Science Based Targets initiative” (SBTi), which certifies greenhouse gas emission reduction targets set by the Paris Agreement (*1).

Background of SBT Net Zero Certification

Tanso-Man GX operates under the corporate philosophy of “Doing what we can now to protect the environment of the future.” Together with our client companies, we aim to realize a sustainable society by providing solutions that contribute to CO2 emission reduction.

In recent years, carbon offset activities, which involve the direct or indirect absorption of greenhouse gases emitted by human economic activities and daily life through afforestation and forest conservation, have gained widespread recognition. We feel a strong responsibility to pass on this beautiful environment to future generations and have declared our commitment to achieving “Net Zero,” a state where the amount of greenhouse gases emitted and removed from the atmosphere is balanced.

Significance of the Certification

The achievement of the SBT Net Zero certification indicates that our above-stated goals are aligned with the target levels set by the Paris Agreement. Moving forward, Tanso-Man GX will continue to engage in initiatives that consider environmental impact reduction and will devote our efforts to promoting greenhouse gas reduction.

Contact Information

Public Relations & Marketing Department
E-Mail: info@tanso-man.com


(*1) Paris Agreement: Aims to keep the global temperature rise well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C.
(*2) Science Based Targets initiative: An international initiative promoting the setting of scientifically based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets for companies. It was established in 2015 jointly by CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, WRI (World Resources Institute), and WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature).

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