Balancing environmental
and economic development globally.

The world is currently experiencing frequent climate
changes due to global warming.
In the near future, carbon dioxide emissions could put as many as
100 million lives at risk, including those of our children.
We do not want to bequeath such a disastrous future to the next generations.
Countries around the world are earnestly striving for carbon neutrality.
Likewise, Japan is earnestly working towards carbon neutrality.
We are committed to supporting Japanese and global businesses
in achieving carbon neutrality.

To support companies in achieving
carbon neutrality, we facilitate
their GX initiatives.
To achieve carbon neutrality, it is essential for companies to undergo GX (Decarbonization Management).
We support GX initiatives across all companies, from small and medium-sized enterprises to major corporations, to realize Japan’s carbon neutrality.

Supporting corporate GX
through IT solutions.
We are an IT development company
dedicated to creating essential IT tools
for corporate GX . Thus, we have launched
the ‘TansoMan Project,’ aiming to support
corporate GX like heroes using the power
of IT. The ‘Tanso-man Project’ provides
financial support for corporate GX
initiatives and operates CO2 emissions
visualization SaaS tools.
Tanso Man GX Co., Ltd. to Collaborate with Kagoshima City for a “Decarbonization Management Seminar on CO2 Emission Visualization for Local Businesses” [July 29, 2024 (Monday) 11:00 AM]

Attention SMEs Struggling with CO2 Visualization! Discover How to Achieve IT × GX with Subsidies! [Subsidy Portal × Tanso Man GX]

Tanso Check, which supports CO2 visualization for SMEs and local governments, has received the “Kawasaki Entrepreneur Award” at the “Kawasaki Startup Audition” [Kawasaki City]

[WEB Seminar on August 22, 2024 (Thursday)] Trends in Decarbonization of Global Companies and Sustainable Management Achieved through Visualization of Overseas Site Information